Course Layout & Objectives


(-) Decrease fear and uncertainty around sales conversations

(+) Increase confidence and poise when speaking to potential customers and managing crowd flow

(=) More income and higher-quality customer relationships

Which means you bring more joy to your work, and shine inside so you naturally attract even more great customer relationships.


  1. We'll make sure you're in the right place by covering basic assumptions I've made about you, the course participants.
  2. To improve your sales process, we first have to awaken a sense of value for your time and energy, and you might discover something new about your habits.
  3. Then we'll dive right in and cover Troubleshooting. Why? Because so many of you have already tried your hand at sales, and are here because the advice you got before either didn't work or didn't feel "right" for you.
  4. The section on General Tips gives clear actions you can take when there's a potential customer approaching your vendor table or store counter.
  5. The Tiered Approach to Hand-Holding helps you navigate deeper waters according to your pricing structure, including letting them walk away if it's not the right time to buy.
  6. Bonus section on customer relationships and building long-term broad-spectrum value.

This is a living course and material will be added based on (your) participant response.

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